3-bedroom Colonial-style End Unit Townhouse :: Alexandria VA 22307
Should you make an offer buy 1739 Belle Haven Rd? Sometimes, the answer to a question is more questions. Can you afford $800,000? Is it actually worth $839,895 or $759,905? Are you dreaming about a $799,900 3-bedroom property in Fairfax County? Do you need 3 full baths and 1 half baths? How would you like Nesbitt Realty to rebate you $4,915 on this next home? If you have questions about 1739 Belle Haven Rd, or the real estate market in Fairfax County, email Will Nesbitt today.New and Improved Price! Old Alexandria charm is waiting for you. Don't miss out on this 3 bedroom, 3.5 bath end-unit townhouse in the desirable Olde Belhaven Towne, right across the street from the Belle Haven Country Club. This gorgeous ... [Read more]
$799,900 :: 3 bed :: 3 bath :: 1 half-bath :: 1,528 sqft :: 1739 Belle Haven Rd Alexandria 22307 VAHow Much Does 1,528 Sqft Of End Unit Townhouse In 22307 Cost?

Alexandria Home Buying Clues
Will's advice of the day for buyers looking at 1739 Belle Haven Rd in Alexandria
Find a Realtor that genuinely appreciates your business. Nesbitt Realty is a small family-business that needs to take care of clients, or our business won't exist any more! Accordingly, Will Nesbitt appreciates the fact that you have a choice and you chose us. In Fairfax County, homes are ordinarily 36 years old. 1739 Belle Haven Rd Alexandria VA 22307 is in Olde Belhaven Towne and the 22307 Zip code and is currently listed for $799,900. This end unit townhouse has 1,528 sqft of above grade living area. Will Nesbitt would love to advise you with your next residence in 22307 in Alexandria.