Real Estate Sales & Rental Info At And Around [Location]

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Spotting A Big Luxury Property In 22307 In Fairfax County

Yes, you can find a big luxury property in Northern VA. But there are only a limited number of luxury properties in 22307. Possibly one of them is the great place for you. If it's not 6200 Hillvale Pl, then it might be one of the properties listed below. Nesbitt Realty can explain how the U.S. Tax Code allows a home buyer to deduct the interest on your mortgage. We is not a tax advisor or tax preparer, but Nesbitt Realty can help you understand the basics that every American should know. Continue reading "Spotting A Big Luxury Property In 22307 In Fairfax County"
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Small Selections For Shopper Trying To Find A Duplex In The Neighborhood Of Huntington Metro Station In 22303 In Alexandria?

Here's some real estate selections I selected specifically for buyers dreaming about a 2-bedroom 1-baths home near Huntington Metro Stop in Alexandria, Virginia at Jefferson Manor. Photo of 2731 Farnsworth Dr This engaging residence is at 2731 Farnsworth Dr Alexandria VA. The first on the line-up is a small 2-bedroom home at Jefferson Manor in Fairfax County. Continue reading "Small Selections For Shopper Trying To Find A Duplex In The Neighborhood Of Huntington Metro Station In 22303 In Alexandria?"
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1913 Duffield Ln, Alexandria Real Estate Announcement

One-Of-A-Kind {Price_Adjective caps=true} $699,000 In Alexandria Virginia 22307

Every buying decision starts with a price and a price range. 1913 Duffield Ln Alexandria VA 22307 is about 34 years old. This home has 1,593 sqft of above grade living area. It's advertised for $699,000. 1913 Duffield Ln, Alexandria VA recently came to the real estate market and is selling for $699,000. Hence, you may want to deliberate on this place (depending upon your pre-approved price limit). Continue reading "1913 Duffield Ln, Alexandria Real Estate Announcement"
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