Real Estate Sales & Rental Info At And Around [Location]

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6307 10th St, Alexandria VA 22307 For Sale

$775,000 For Sale At 6307 10th St In Fairfax County

6307 10th St is an amazing detached home in 22307 in Fairfax County, On the other hand it's not for every buyer. Have you taken the time to list and prioritize what you want from a detached home in Alexandria?

There are many options to think about. For instance:

Do you like brick place of residence? Do you prefer brick or siding? What type of siding? Do you prefer hardwood floors? Do you prefer carpet or ceramic? Maybe floors aren't a big concern for you. Does the hot-water heater matter to you? Do you prefer gas or electric? The most common hot-water heater at section is natural gas. Continue reading
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Featured Selections For Shopper Looking For A Home At Huntington Metro Station In Alexandria, Virginia?

Are you looking for a modest affordable home for roughly $329,500? I've put together a selection of interior unit townhouses available today. Photo of 5729 N Kings Hwy #351 If you're considering an interior unit townhouse purchase beside Huntington Metro Station, it only makes sense to take a look at 5729 N Kings Hwy #351. The subject residence is a 3 bedroom traditional at Huntington Club in 22303 in Alexandria. Continue reading
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6503 Blue Wing Dr, Alexandria VA 22307 For Sale

Do you want to learn more about real estate in Northern Virginia?

This place of residence at 6503 Blue Wing Dr is an example of what you can buy in 22307 for $1,900,000. Looking at these photographs and prices from Fairfax County, it's easy to see why this is one of our favorite places in 22307 in Fairfax County. As a matter of fact, even if you are not shocked by what this detached home has in store for buyers, a real estate shopper can benefit from this information. Continue reading
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1909 Belfield Rd, Alexandria Real Estate Announcement

How Much Do $999,000 4-BR 2 BA Detached Homes Cost At Belle Haven in 22307?

Big Residence For $999,000 in 22307

Stuart Nesbitt tells us that, depending upon your price range, you might want to look at this detached home at 1909 Belfield Rd listed for $999,000. Above all, compare this to the average square feet (1,991) of properties in Belle Haven to get a sense of today's market. Continue reading
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