Real Estate Sales & Rental Info At And Around [Location]

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6515 Bluebill Ln, Alexandria VA 22307 Listed For Sale

{Beds}-bedroom $1,998,660 Listed At 6515 Bluebill Ln In Fairfax County

If you're thinking about buying a new home, the first and most important question is "what is your budget?" Compare this detached home at 6515 Bluebill Ln to others in 22307 to understand what $2,000,000 can buy in Fairfax County. If you're checking out homes in Alexandria and you want to spend circa $2,000,000, you may want to get in touch with Will Nesbitt about 6515 Bluebill Ln. Continue reading
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6211 Randall Ct, Alexandria Real Estate Dispatch

Alexandria Area Real Estate Things

The most common style of detached home in Alexandria is brick colonial style. Compare this to 6211 Randall Ct. This one-of-a-kind detached home on the market at 6211 Randall Ct is the answer to a lot of questions for someone. Further, many buyer clients might be impressed by what this detached home has for the right buyer. Continue reading
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2220 Windsor Rd, Alexandria VA 22307 On The Market

Real Estate Data In The Alexandria Area

Do you have reasons to be anxious when we're talking about $2,200,000 for a 5-bedroom residence like 2220 Windsor Rd in Alexandria? Moreover, you might find problems with the home after closing. But even so, Julie Nesbitt can order a home inspection to reveal most potential problems. In fact, there are always pitfalls in 22307 real estate.  Nevertheless, a supportive real estate agent like Julie is able to guide you to manage or avoid many of the risks  associated with buying a home in 22307 in Alexandria. Continue reading
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6115 Vernon Ter, Alexandria VA 22307 For Sale

Do you want to learn more about real estate in the NOVA region?

All buyers have a list of wishes, wants and needs, but everything on that list is bounded by the home buyer's pre-approved price limit. This real estate in 22307 is listed for $2,395,000. Will Nesbitt tells us that, depending upon your price range, you might want to ponder this detached home at 6115 Vernon Ter listed for sale for $2,395,000. Continue reading
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Just For Sale In 22307

Photo of 2203 Belle Haven Rd Are you shopping for a detached home in 22307? It costs nothing to interface, and Monika Ortiz is a local specialist on real estate like 2203 Belle Haven Rd. For this reason, if you looking at spend close to $3,750,000 for a home in Alexandria, Virginia, you probably want to email Monika Ortiz to inspect 2203 Belle Haven Rd and interface more about the possibilities. In fact, if you're serious about a residence like 2203 Belle Haven Rd, it's smart to act quickly. Photo of 2203 Belle Haven Rd Continue reading

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